Third Space ARTicles.

#1 - Itroduction.

Hello There!

Welcome to the first in a series of articles, blogs, steams of consciousness, things I find interesting, that I will be bringing to you on a somewhat regular basis. If you have found your way here, you may share a lot of the same weird interests I do. Welcome, strange stranger! I hope you feel at home here!

To introduce myself, I am Ben B Artist, and I do be an artist. My work on a personal level is centred around spaces and places, and while I was in university, I became aware of things like psychogeography, and other philosophies about interactions between people and places. Thus, the idea for Third Space Artworks was born. Leaning on my skills as an artist, the wealth of knowledge I have built up over my years creating and using different materials, and interpersonal/public speaking skills I built up while working as an entertainer; I aim to bring out the artist in everyone, and encourage people to care about public spaces, and seek ways of interacting and recreating that don't require people to spend money. Of course, I am going to hosting ticketed events, but as the business grows, I will be opening up free space for more and more people, the events and merchandise will help fund that journey, and feed the people who make it possible. The message of Third Space Artworks is my mission: more art, to more people, in more places!

The Plan for ARTicles

As in my artistic process, this format will grow organically. In my work, I often start with an idea, and get to work, with the plan evolving as work goes on. There is a time and a place for planning, and for commissions, I do my homework to ensure to I come up with a plan the client will love. Even in those situations, my organic process has taught me to think on my feet, and adapt to changes. All that being said, the format is still pretty open, and is appearing more like the 'stream of consciousness' mentioned at the start of this pioneering toe-dip into the water of online publication. If you have stuck around through all this waffle, you are a real one, and I love you.

Some ideas I have so far:

  • Profiles of Third Spaces in the local area and beyond

  • Reactions to art news

  • Insights into my process, and that of other artists

  • Articles relevant to upcoming events

I plan on keeping things light. I'm not immune to feeling, and I do keep up with current events, but there are lots of sources of existential doom out there. While I will get serious from time-to-time, I am a pretty happy-go-lucky guy in general, and I intend to keep my content that way.

Who is This For?

Third Space ARTicles will appeal to people who have a shared interest in art, architecture, urban planning, skateboarding, and theatre, all of which will come up regularly. As well; as those subjects, all sorts of other things are on the table. I feel like I really have gone on long enough now, so I'll just get on with the next ARTicle.

See you next time! Stay curious, and look after each other! 


Adventures at Castle Awesome